The Cabell Brand Center is a non-profit organization based out of Salem, Virginia. We pride ourselves on being locally active with a global reach. The Center has been run by a group of dedicated, predominantly volunteer staff since it's inception in 1987. Our team is made of passionate, educated experts in diverse fields including education, conservation, energy, health, technology, and natural resources.
Our Leadership Team
Steve Sunderman
Steve Sunderman is President of Terrazia PC, a high performance building consultancy located in Roanoke, VA. He is a licensed architect, LEED Accredited Professional with Building Design + Construction Specialty and Building Performance Institute Analyst. Steve is committed to helping create a healthier planet by implementing a strategy of change for our built environment to achieve the triple bottom line that saves money, improves people’s lives and ensures a sustainable future. Mr. Sunderman's passion for promoting sustainable environments led him to become deeply involved in the US Green Building Council Southwest Virginia chapter where he has served on the board of directors since 2008. In 2011 he was elected to the first national USGBC Center for Green Schools Committee Cabinet.
George Francisco
George Francisco earned his Bachelor of Business Administration degree at Roanoke College in 1988. He also holds an Associate of Applied Science in Accounting degree from Virginia Western Community College earned in 1984. George is Controller and responsible for accounting duties at Rainwater Management Solutions a position he’s held since 2008. Prior to joining the RMS team, George and his father Randolph owned a stone masonry business R.L. Francisco & Son. Before that he was partners with his father Randolph Francisco in stone masonry construction business R.L. Francisco & Son. George has been active in the community and joined the Cabell Brand Center as Treasurer in December 2013.
Samantha Steidle
Samantha Steidle joined the Cabell Brand Center as Vice President in June, 2015. She earned her Bachelor of Business Administration degree at Radford University in 1998. She also holds a Masters in Business Administration from University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire. She's served as a management instructor at Virginia Western Community College since 2013, developed the Grandin CoLab coworking space, and owns a marketing firm, Virtual Marketing, specializing in search engine optimization through content design and inbound marketing.
Wayne Strickland
Wayne Strickland was appointed Executive Director of the Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission in February 1988. He has been with the Commission since 1979. Mr. Strickland participates in numerous civic activities including serving as a member of the Board of Directors of the following organizations: Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce, Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce, United Way of the Roanoke Valley, Council of Community Services, and Arts Council of the Blue Ridge. He also is a member of the Eleanor D. Wilson Museum Advisory Board (at Hollins University), the Region 6 Career & Technical Education Taskforce and the Business and Industry Advisory Committee for the City of Roanoke School System.
Our Board
Dr. Tamim Younos is Founder & President of the Green Water-Infrastructure Academy, a nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C. The mission of the Academy is to enhance human health and quality of life in global urban environments by promoting green water-infrastructure research, education and outreach programs. The Academy promotes a paradigm shift toward a holistic approach for sustainable management of water resources in global urban environments.
Dr. Younos earned a doctoral degree in urban and environmental engineering from the University of Tokyo. His research and educational interests include watershed assessment, sustainable water systems, and water-energy nexus in urban environments. Dr. Younos has authored/co-authored more than 150 publications and has edited six books: “Sustainable Water Management in Urban Environments” (Springer 2016), “Advances in Watershed Science and Assessment” (Springer 2015) “Potable Water: Emerging Global Problems and Solutions (Springer 2014), “Climate Change and Water Resources” (Springer, 2013); “Total Maximum Daily Load: Approaches & Challenges” (PennWell Books 2005), “Advances in Water Monitoring Research” (Water Resources Publications 2003).
Dr. Younos’s recognitions include: Fulbright Visiting Scientist Award (2015); Fellow Member, American Water Resources Association (2013); Honor Award, Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Society (2012); President, Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR) (20003), Friend of UCOWR Award (2003); and Japan Society for Promotion of Science Award (2001). Dr. Younos has presented invited lectures in China, Japan, Thailand, Hungry, Poland, Spain, and Turkey, and conducted research projects in Egypt, Dominican Republic and Mexico.
Dr. Younos is a former Research Professor of Water Resources and Interim Director of Virginia Water Resources Research Center at Virginia Tech and a past President of the Cabell Brand Center for Global Poverty and Resource Sustainability Studies, a nonprofit organization. Dr. Younos has served on the Board of Directors for the American Water Resources Association (AWRA), the Board of Directors for the National Institutes for Water Resources (NIWR), and the Board of Directors for Renewable Natural Resources Foundation (RNRF). Currently, Dr. Younos serves as Vice-President for the AWRA-National Capital Region Section; Associate Editor, Journal for Environmental Studies and Sciences; Board Member and Journal Editor for the International Water Technology Association.
Carissa South
Carissa is a native of Roanoke whose family roots run deep throughout Southwest Virginia. She attended JMU and Bard College and currently lives in Roanoke with her husband and daughter.
Carissa began her career at the National Gallery of Art, then worked as Director of Development and Marketing for Community School in Roanoke and the Science Museum of Western Virginia before spending a year raising funds to operate hospitals and fund emergency nutrition programs in sub-Saharan Africa. It was during that time she met Cabell. He became her mentor, and his guidance in not only thinking about problems, but in how to take action to achieve results for the greater good is a continuing influence in her career and life. She later spent two years at Feeding America Southwest Virginia, and is now the SWVA Regional Outreach Specialist for 211 Virginia.
David Crawford is President of the company Rainwater Management Solutions which provides design, consulting, and engineering solutions for rain water and storm water management to commercial and residential developers, engineering , architectural firms, and professionals in the agricultural field. To date, the Salem, Virginia-based company has designed and/or installed over 2,000 rain water systems across the country. A strong advocate of water conservation and management, in 2001 Mr. Crawford and his brother Ed lobbied the Virginia House and Senate for passage of the first rain water harvesting legislation in the United States.